4 Reasons Why I Believe in Missions
Dr. Lee Roberson
“And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to his
Dr. Roberson’s favourite verse, Romans 8:28
On November 24, 1909, Lee Roberson was born in a two room log cabin in
southern Indiana to a farming family. In 1911 his family moved to another
farm near Louisville, Kentucky, and here Dr. Roberson grew up. At the age
of fourteen he was led to the Lord by his Sunday school teacher, and joined
Cedar Creek Baptist Church.
In 1926 he began attending college, and while there he became well known
as a singer. His singing voice was well liked, and he served as a soloist on
staff of radio stations out of Louisville and Nashville. The door was open for
Dr. Roberson to sign a contract in Nashville and begin a music career, but
he knew that this was not what the Lord wanted for him.
While in college, Dr. Roberson had also served as a pastor in Germantown,
Tennessee, and in 1932 he was called to the pastorate of Temple Baptist
Church in Green Brier, Tennessee. He stayed there until 1935 when he
entered full-time evangelistic work. He continued as an evangelist until the
1937 when he became the pastor of First Baptist Church in Fairfield,
Alabama. He continued in this church until he was called to be the pastor of
Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in November of
1942. Here he continued as pastor for forty years and six months. In 1946
he founded Tennessee Temple Schools to train young people for Christian
service, and many thousands of pastors, missionaries and Christian
servants were blessed and trained by this ministry. During Dr. Roberson’s
time as pastor of Highland Park more than 61,000 people were saved and
baptized, and many workers sent out for Christ.