Bethel Baptist Print Ministry

Bethel Baptist Print Ministry is a ministry devoted to using the printed page to reach the lost and edify God’s people.

A Brief History

Bethel Baptist Print Ministry began in the fall of 1991. An old press was purchased for $2,000, and our first pressman was a volunteer that had one week of training.

Initially, we began printing the O Timothy magazine, which is a monthly Christian publication published by Way of Life. Within a month or two, Larry Ingalls, from Baptist Couriers for Christ, came by our church and asked if we would print materials to send to Eastern Europe and Russia. Throughout 1992-1994, many thousands of booklets, tracts, new convert materials, and Bible study aids were sent to those countries.

In the mid 1990’s, we had many requests for Christian materials and books to be sent to the Spanish-speaking countries of Central America, Venezuela, and Colombia. One of our projects was to print 1,000 Christian songbooks for a remote tribe of Indians in Panama. About the same time, we printed 2,000 songbooks in the Swahili language that were sent to the Congo.

Today, two of our main customers are Reformers Unanimous and Way of Life Literature. We also print for numerous other pastors, missionaries, and evangelists who have written books.

Bethel Baptist Print Ministry has also been able to send thousands of Christian books and materials to the Philippines.

Bethel Baptist Print Ministry is a work of faith. We can see that illustrated in the money that has been spent on equipment, which has gone from the original $2,000 in 1991 to over $400,000 today. We no longer use a press; all of our printing equipment is digital. It includes a Xerox Nuvera 120 Digital copier, Xerox Versant 180, plus a Xerox D136 digital copier. We also have a 30″ Eurocutter, MBM stitcher/folder, Horizon perfect binder, folder, many computers, and other miscellaneous small pieces of equipment.

Most of the money for these things initially came from the sacrificial giving of our church family and from churches that support our print ministry.

The monthly operating expenses of our print shop run between $7,000 to $8,000 per month. The print shop has two full-time employees. Operating expenses are paid for by book sales and financial support received from supporting churches and individuals.

We earnestly covet your prayers so that this ministry may continue printing and sending materials for the Lord.

Our Mission – Serving the Lord through the printed page

Bethel Baptist Print Ministry is a ministry devoted to using the printed page to reach the lost and edify God’s people.

Our ministry is funded by the sacrificial giving of God’s people here at our home church with the help of other churches and individuals here in Canada and the United States.

A ministry such as ours has a tremendously overwhelming responsibility to get as much printed materials out into needy hands as possible. Our mission is to do all that we can with what God has given us.

We ask you to pray for Bethel Baptist Print Ministry, and if you are able to assist in any other way as the Lord would lead, may the Lord bless you for it.

Paul commended the church at Philippi for their giving hearts, “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.”

Thank you, and may God bless you.

Bethel Baptist Print Ministry

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